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Other services
Individual sessions
One Mind Brain Mapping Program
Photodynamic Light Therapy
Integrative and Functional Medicine
Annual Longevity Program
Physical Therapy
Longevity Medicine
Integrative Nutrition
Active Release Technique (ART)
Integrative Psychotherapy
Manual Therapy
Choose a practitioner
Dr. Frank Lipman
Dr. Alexandra Davidson
Giovanni Campanile
Scott Berliner
Dawn Brighid
Alison Stone
Sandra Sanchez
Dr. Dylann Craig Germann
General question
1 session $150
10 sessions $1250
20 sessions $2000
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Eleven Eleven

Wellness Center

Integrative Medicine for Vibrant
Health in the Heart of New York City

Schedule an appointment

Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, founded by Dr. Frank Lipman, is a cornerstone of integrative and longevity medicine in NYC. For over three decades, our center has been dedicated to blending modern medicine with natural therapies. Led by our team of renowned integrative practitioners, we provide personalized care that delves into the root causes of imbalance, optimizing overall health and longevity.

Whether you're striving to rebalance your health or maximize your healthspan, join us on a journey towards lifelong well-being.



Our Philosophy

Uniqueness in Every Patient

We embrace the uniqueness of each patient's internal and biochemical makeup. Recognizing that no two individuals are alike, we tailor treatments to meet individual needs, rejecting a "one size fits all" approach.

Root Cause Approach

We prioritize identifying and addressing the root cause of symptoms rather than treating them superficially. By targeting underlying imbalances, we aim to restore balance to the body for sustained wellness.

Integrative Treatment

Our comprehensive treatment plans acknowledge the multifactorial nature of most diseases. We integrate lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, movement, stress management, and social connections to promote holistic healing.


We recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and emotions in promoting overall well-being. Our approach to wellness addresses mental, emotional, and physical health to facilitate healing and vitality.

"At Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, my team and I focus on what we call ‘good medicine.’ For us, that combines the best of modern medicine with the best of integrative and complementary treatments. Those unique ingredients when blended together are the ‘secret sauce’ that makes us the go-to health-makers for those seeking a longer, healthier and better life."

Frank Lipman MD

What is Integrative Medicine?


At Eleven Eleven Wellness, we use an inclusive approach incorporating a wide range of therapeutic modalities, including acupuncture, physical therapy, nutrition, mind-body practices, and herbal supplements, alongside conventional medical treatments. And while we are open to exploring alternative therapies, integrative medicine is grounded in scientific evidence and advocates for the safe and effective use of complementary treatments. We promote overall wellness and disease prevention, not just managing symptoms or treating illnesses. Eleven Eleven Wellness center practitioners all focus on patient-centered care, prioritizing the patient's active involvement in their healthcare decisions and emphasizing the importance of the provider-patient relationship. Together we create a journey towards your lifelong well-being.

About Eleven Eleven

“Integrative medicine combines conventional medical treatments with evidence-based complementary therapies to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health and illness”

What our patients say

Alison Stone

"I was hesitant to start therapy but immediately Alison Stone fostered a safe, calm and open environment enabling me to be vulnerable and work through difficult topics. She has been an immense support knowing when to listen or provide advice and always offering compassion. I look forward to each of our sessions and go through life with ease knowing I have Alison as a support system."


Dr. Alexandra Davidson

"My thyroid condition and other symptoms were not being helped by medication alone. Dr. Alexandra Davidson suggested a new diet and supplement routine that was personalized to my health concerns and I noticed a difference shortly after. My energy went up almost immediately, I started sleeping better, and most of the other symptoms I wanted to address subsided within a few months. I look forward to every appointment."


Dr. Alexandra Davidson

“Dr. Alexandra Davidson came up with a straightforward treatment plan for me during our first meeting but also provided more follow-up and adjustments than any clinician I’ve ever worked with. I was blown away by how much my health transformed even in the first month. Six months later most of my symptoms have completely resolved and Dr. Davidson continues to stay engaged and creative in getting me to my best health possible.”


Dr. Alexandra Davidson

"Thanks to Dr. Alexandra Davidson's unwavering commitment and holistic approach to wellness, I have experienced a profound improvement in my health and overall well-being. The debilitating symptoms that I had have significantly subsided, allowing me to reclaim my vitality and live a life filled with newfound energy and vitality."


Dr. Alexandra Davidson

"I have been to countless traditional doctors who utilized numerous pharmaceutical interventions. Never once did those doctors address my diet, lifestyle factors, or try to get to the root cause of my inflammation. Dr. Alexandra Davidson is a great listener and will work with you to get to the root cause of whatever it is that you’re dealing with, constantly adjusting your personalized protocol until you see the results you’re looking for."


Dr. Alexandra Davidson

"Dr Alexandra Davidson helped my 12 year old son who has behavior problems, high functioning autism and anxiety. She did tons of blood work, genetic testing and spoke with my son to really hear how he feels. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. His behavior and mood have improved! Dr. Davidson truly is compassionate, knowledgeable and someone you can trust."
